Muscle Energy Technique for SI Joint

Muscle Energy Technique for SI Joint

Sacroiliac (SI) joint dysfunction is extremely common, especially in women.  One technique that can help reduce pain and get you back to life is the muscle energy technique for SI joint dysfunction.  This post describes how to use the muscle energy technique to reduce...

Postpartum Hip Pain: Why It Happens & How To Treat It

Postpartum Hip Pain: Why It Happens & How To Treat It

Not everyone experiences postpartum hip pain…but, if you have hip pain after pregnancy, you KNOW it.  Your hips may feel loosey-goosey and unstable…even popping out of place on occasion. You may feel chronic tightness and tension.  Or maybe the pain appears while...

The ACE Framework For Core Healing

The ACE Framework For Core Healing

In today’s post, I’m sharing a simple 3-part formula for healing diastasis recti (abdominal separation) and strengthening core muscles. This framework is the foundation of the Heal Your Core With Yoga program.  If you feel like you've been doing the right things but...

Best SI Belt for Sacroiliac Joint Pain

Best SI Belt for Sacroiliac Joint Pain

*This article includes affiliate links. If you choose to purchase any of the products we’ve discussed in this article, we may receive a small commission.If you're pregnant or have recently given birth, you might experience pain or dysfunction in your SI joint. Doing...

How & Why I Prioritize Movement

How & Why I Prioritize Movement

Nine years into this mothering gig and there’s still much for me to learn.  Despite that, most days feel relatively smooth and peaceful in our house. Of course, we have our bad days and tantrums. But, most of the time, we’ve got a rhythm that works for all of us.  A...

Best Nursing Positions For Core Health

Best Nursing Positions For Core Health

Nursing can take a toll on the body.  The constant rounding of the shoulders, holding the baby in your arms, and sitting or lying awkwardly can create strain in the body. If you have an abdominal separation (diastasis recti) or pelvic floor issues, nursing can add to...

Side Sleeper? How To Prevent Hip Pain While Sleeping

Side Sleeper? How To Prevent Hip Pain While Sleeping

Many women experience hip pain while sleeping, or upon waking. This short video tutorial shares how to prevent hip pain while side sleeping. Not a side sleeper? Head here for tips on preventing hip and back pain when sleeping on your back. How To Prevent Hip Pain...

How To Protect Your Core When Picking Things Up

How To Protect Your Core When Picking Things Up

One truth of parenting…you are always picking things up! The way you pick things up can either help, or hurt, your core strength, back health, and diastasis recti healing. In this post, I’m sharing simple movement tips to protect your core (and back) when picking...

Dos and Don’ts After C-Section Birth

Dos and Don’ts After C-Section Birth

Childbirth is extraordinary; you finally get to meet the baby who has been growing inside you. At the same time, birthing a child also brings significant changes to your body—especially for mothers who give birth by C-section.  After a cesarean section, you’ll need...