4 Diastasis Recti Myths

4 Diastasis Recti Myths

Last week I shared four things you probably didn't know about diastasis recti, and this week I'm sharing four common diastasis recti myths...that just aren’t true. Let's dive in. What is Diastasis Recti? Diastasis recti is a separation of the abdominals. It happens...

4 Little-Known Diastasis Recti Facts

4 Little-Known Diastasis Recti Facts

Today I am sharing little-known diastasis recti facts (abdominal separation). Let's dive in.  What is Diastasis Recti? Diastasis Recti is a separation of the abdominal muscles, particularly your rectus abdominis - or your six-pack abs. During pregnancy, those muscles...

Best Pelvic Floor Trainers

Best Pelvic Floor Trainers

If you are in a hurry and just want our top pick for best pelvic floor trainer, we recommend the Elvie Trainer Exerciser. Pelvic floor trainers, or kegel trainers, are unique and intimate exercise tools that allow you to strengthen your pelvic muscles and achieve...

Why Hip Openers Are NOT The Solution To Tight, Achy Hips

Why Hip Openers Are NOT The Solution To Tight, Achy Hips

Some of the most common (and beloved!) poses in yoga include traditional hip openers...but these poses may not be serving your post-baby body. Read below (or watch the video) to understand why! As a new yoga teacher I LOVED putting people into some long hip openers....

Pelvic Floor Weakness: Under or Over Active Muscles?

Pelvic Floor Weakness: Under or Over Active Muscles?

Pelvic floor weakness is extremely common among postpartum women. It’s a primary cause of incontinence (the common postpartum issue of leaking pee). Jumping on the trampoline, sneezing, or even laughing with a weak pelvic floor can cause urine to leak. Most women with...

Best Postpartum Ab Exercises

Best Postpartum Ab Exercises

Postpartum core exercises need to be easy and approachable. Below, I list (and show) three of my favorite, easy, postpartum ab exercises. Bonus! The first two can be done immediately after your baby is born (as soon as you feel ready). Key Principles Of Postpartum Ab...

How To Tell If You Have Diastasis Recti

How To Tell If You Have Diastasis Recti

In this post, I’ll share how to tell if you have diastasis recti. And...what to do about it if you have it! Just want a quick answer? Here’s a Diastasis Recti Test What is Diastasis Recti?Diastasis Recti is a separation of the abdominal muscles. It’s caused by the...

3 Little Known Tips To Heal Your Core With Yoga

3 Little Known Tips To Heal Your Core With Yoga

“Dia-what?”One of the top yoga instructors in my city said this after I told her about the Heal Your Core With Yoga program. She trains hundreds of new yoga teachers each year. And she’s never heard of diastasis recti. I’m not surprised. Diastasis Recti, a separation...